Hey, guess what? Somehow it is already August. I don’t know how we got here already, but the best part is that we have new games for GotX.

Take Aim August was the theme voted for by our Champions Lounge. The games that were nominated had to require the main character to use a ranged weapon or a shooting weapon of some sort. If you want to know more about our GotX program and how to participate, check out my article about that here!

Pre ‘96

Super Metroid

Console: SNES

Release: 1994

Genre: Metroidvania

HLTB: 7.5 hours

Super Metroid

New Ability Time

Well, it must be the year of Metroid because another one has won the hearts of the voters this month. Super Metroid is one of the most highly regarded games in the series as well. You won’t be disappointed jumping into this Super Nintendo classic.

You take on the role of Samus once again. After extracting the larva from a Metroid, it is believed it can be used to help civilization with its energy-producing abilities. After leaving the colony, Samus receives an alert to return immediately. Upon returning, she sees the whole colony is wrecked and Ridley has stolen the larva. She must track him down and kill some Space Pirates while she is at it.


Strife: Quest for the Sigil

Console: MS-DOS, PC

Release: 1996

Genre: FPS

HLTB: 7 hours

FPS Stabbing Goodness

Hey! A FPS game won this month. Let’s introduce you to this hidden gem called Strife. Taking the style of Doom and other FPS games of the era, Strife is open to let you experiment in a non-linear world.

You play as an unnamed protagonist. He lives in a world that has been his by a comet and a plague. This has also led to a cult called, The Order, to start capturing people. Fight your way out of prison and be ready to stab, crossbow, and even flamethrow your way to freedom.


Devil May Cry

Console: PS2

Release: 2001

Genre: Beat ’em Up

HLTB: 6 hours

Blasting at Some Demons

The meme dream of having Shotgun Mario has died and now we are met with Dante from Devil May Cry. The first game in the popular series finds its way into GotM and also leads us to a world of being able to enjoy more and more PS2 games on our handheld.

Dante is a demon hunter who is just casually hanging out in his office when he is attacked by someone named Trish. He brushes off the attack with ease and finds out it was a test set by a demon emperor named Mundus. Mundus is trying to cross over into the human world after being entrapped in a prison. Guess what? Mundus is also responsible for the murder of Dante’s family. Time to straddle up and shoot your way to revenge.


Final Fantasy X

Console: PS2, Vita, PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS3 and 4

Release: 2001

Genre: JRPG

HLTB: 46 hours


Jungle Battle

Final Fantasy X was a groundbreaking game for the PS2 at the time. It was the first game in the series to have voice acting and the graphics were breathtaking. You play as Tidus, a famous blitz ball player from Zanarkand. The city is then attacked and you awaken on a mysterious island (luckily with all your memories, no amnesia in this one!). You find out you have traveled 1,000 years into the future.

This Final Fantasy is much more linear than other entries in the series. This is made up for with a great combat system, unique characters, and a fun sphere grid leveling system. What are you waiting for? This is the excuse you need to bring your Vita out of retirement or enjoy the original or even one of the remastered versions! You have until the end of September to complete this one.

Those are our games this month, so drop by and join us in our Discord as we enjoy another great month of GotM. Which games are you excited to play? If you are new to GotX, check out our article here on how to participate. What games are you excited for and what handheld are you playing on? Let us know in the comments.

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