It’s not often Retroid releases a handheld, usually landing at least 4 months before releases. Ignore the 3 and 3+, please. Since 2020 Anbernic has released 30+ handhelds including their variants. At that same time? Retroid has officially announced 11. So each time...
Can you believe that it’s already November? Not only that, but we’re almost halfway through the month! Well, to help celebrate and get ready for the holidays, why not treat yourself or knock a few things off of your holiday shopping list? The AliExpress...
You cannot throw a rock in this community without hitting a post on Reddit or Discord about how “I’ve become an addict” coupled with a picture of piled emulation handhelds. It’s easy to look at this hobby from a thousand-foot view and point out...
Welcome to the latest edition of Retro Handhelds Weekly. This week saw a bunch of news in both the world of hardware and software, our writing team continues to be on an absolute tear, and there’s even a surprise or two sprinkled in! So sit back, grab a cup of coffee,...
It’s been a few weeks since we last heard or saw anything about the Anbernic RG406H, but that’s probably because the company’s been gearing up for its release. Previously, a couple of pictures were leaked showing off both the internals and a blurry...
Here in the U.S., we are reaching Thanksgiving. It is a holiday to be thankful for what we have, but also to enjoy eating delicious food with your loved ones. Do you ever wish you could experience living in a game world? What if just to eat the cuisine? I have and I...