Whether you believe imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, or subscribe to the ancient Silicon Valley ethos of “Good artists borrow; great artists steal.” there’s no denying the inspiration for Hyperkin’s brand-new Xbox controller.

Unveiled in the early morning hours before the CES show floor officially kicks off, this new Xbox controller isn’t hiding its inspirations. This 3rd party offering is a clear nod to the folks out there who may prefer Sony’s OEM offering.


The Hyperkin Competitor (via: IGN)

This will be a wired controller that, along with the DualSense design, will apparently copy the Hall-effect sticks of the Sony controller. Stick drift is a common complaint with the standard Xbox controller, so this could prove an amusing solution for some folks looking for something different in their Xbox experience.


No squares or circles here (via: IGN)

The design replaces the DualSense’s famous front touchpad with the equally iconic Xbox button, but everything else on the controller looks to be inspired by the competition. Official word on whether we will see similar adaptive triggers and force feedback a la the PS5 version remain up in the air, as does MSRP.


Sometimes, when two controllers love each other very much…

Hyperkin and Xbox previously got together to create modern versions of the famous Duke and DuchesS designs. Similar to the Competitor, both of those offerings were wired controller experiences. As someone who was totally enamored with last year’s Hyperkin Hot Dog offering, I’m excited to see how this blurring of console lines plays out.

We will update this article with additional information as it becomes available along with our live CES floor coverage!

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