The company behind the TrimUI Smart Pro has revealed its next handheld, the TrimUI Brick.

The Brick visually looks to borrow a lot of its design and influence from the Analogue Pocket but with some noticeable contrasts. Where the Analogue Pocket would be left empty, the Brick dedicates that space to the select and start buttons.

The chin of the device does, however, still have three buttons positioned in the same middle area. The icons shown in the below renders show the TrimUI logo, followed by a minus and play button, respectively. One of these buttons will be customizable on-device, and another is undoubtedly going to be reserved for a system menu button, but as for the third, it’s unknown what purpose it may bring.

Along the back, the top of the device is shown to have an RGB light, and the shoulder buttons — found where Analogue would position their cartridge reader and single-set of shoulder buttons — are non-stacked.

Below, you can find the official specs for the TrimUI Brick:

TrimUI Brick Specs

  • CPU: Allwinner A133 Plus @ 1.8GHz
  • GPU: Imagination PowerVR GE8300 @ 660MHz
  • Screen: 3.2 inch 4:3 1024×768 IPS display
  • Storage: 8GB eMMC
  • Dimensions: 73.2 * 109.9 * 19.9 mm
  • Weight: 159 grams
  • Extras: USB storage support, bluetooth, wifi, RGB lighting, customizable button

As listed above, the specs will be on par with the TrimUI Smart Pro, with the major differences being screen size and overall form.

Black and white TrimUI Brick

Recently, Powkiddy had its RGB20 Pro enter testing stages with a screen bearing the same size. However, the choice of a screen with this resolution seems somewhere between odd and hopeful.

There are currently no devices that perfectly scale to 1024 x 768, but the resolution was a commonly used mainstay of CRT monitors. In that sense, if there were some initiative to make older PC games play on the Brick, they may look nicer than our memories allow.

There’s a massive saving grace in the screen size, however. Like the original Miyoo Mini, pixel density can set a product far and away from its competitors. The original Miyoo Mini featured a 640 x 480 screen at only 2.8” inches. It is still, to this day, considered one of the most beautiful screens found on any handheld. On top of that, the Miyoo Mini’s V4 screen had a 750 x 560 screen that allowed for 3x integer scaling on GBA. The 1024 x 768 screen allows for 4x with only a 0.4″ increase in screen size.


The above Bilibili video shows the same specs and shows how its screen is going to have one nearly as small as the Miyoo Mini for its resolution, only 3.2 inches. It’s possible this device will be the first one released with the resolution as the Powkiddy RGB20 Pro and Touch Two 3.2″ have yet to be released.

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