Five More Video Game Demakes You Need to Play

Five More Video Game Demakes You Need to Play

I love demakes. I think they are so cool and really give new life to a modern game that you may have played a dozen times. The idea is that a game is recreated with lower graphics on a system it didn’t come out on. I did a similar list last year and wanted to...
Retro Handhelds Deals of the Week

Retro Handhelds Deals of the Week

Are you tired of searching for the best deals on retro handhelds? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll be rounding up a few of our favorite deals every week, and today, we hope your wallets are ready. Retroid Pocket Flip 2 and Retroid Pocket Classic...
My History With The Home Console Controller

My History With The Home Console Controller

My name is Mista Claw. I was born with cerebral palsy. I have been playing video games since I was five years old in the grand old arcade. However, my real passion for gaming didn’t start until I was about seven when my cousin got an NES for his birthday. Along...
Nyxi Striker Review: Homerun or Swing and a Miss?

Nyxi Striker Review: Homerun or Swing and a Miss?

When it comes to keyboards, I used to be waist-deep into the hobby. Nabbing up every switch, keycap, and budget 40% board that I could find. But as I slowly pulled myself from the cataclysmic, wallet-destroying hobby of keyboards, I found myself continuing to look for...
Best Ways To Play: Sega Game Gear

Best Ways To Play: Sega Game Gear

The Sega Game Gear is perhaps the classic console that best represents why I love emulation and the retro handheld hobby. I had a Game Gear as a kid. It was the only console where my parents ever finally gave in and made one magically appear under the tree. To say...