Replacing the Loki Max? A OneXFly Comparison

Replacing the Loki Max? A OneXFly Comparison

X86 handhelds are expensive, and you shouldn’t really own more than one. The issue with that statement comes from not knowing which one is best for you. Maybe you wanted a smaller screen. But now that you have your Legion Go outside its return window, you don’t want...
The Android Games I ACTUALLY Play

The Android Games I ACTUALLY Play

Every time you boot up your Android handheld, you’re usually either getting yourself right into a front end so you can boot up Mojo! for PS2 or you’re launching Moonlight, Geforce Now, or something else to stream your games. But what about playing your “new” games...
OBSBot Meet 2: A Quick Look

OBSBot Meet 2: A Quick Look

When the world moved into a “work from home” style of life, a lot of people needed something to help fulfill their constant meetings throughout the day. You know. Those where half the time they aren’t even listening and are just scrolling their phones because the...
A1 Unicorn vs. RG Cube: Which One?

A1 Unicorn vs. RG Cube: Which One?

If you’ve been following handhelds for long enough, you’d know that for the longest time, 480p 3.5” handhelds were not only the norm, but the dominating form factor in the space. So when Powkiddy came out of left field with a 4” 1:1 720p handheld in the RGB30 I was...