Fifty dollars. You could buy a lot with that. An 8BitDo SN30 Pro 2, a copy of Pikmin 1+2, or maybe even 25 Beefy Melt Buritos from Taco Bell. But maybe you’d rather play your Fire Emblem romhacks in a portable manner and save a buck while you’re at it, too. If that’s...
When it comes to chipmakers in the handheld market, you can essentially have your pick of what you’d like. Choice of brand, choice of performance, choice of price, and more. One company that’s been notably absent from most of this has been Qualcomm. Their...
What was the biggest handheld hit of 2022? That’s right- one of the smaller devices of the year: the Miyoo Mini. It didn’t matter what you threw into the handheld scene; 503, 353V, and X39s all ended up being compared to the Miyoo Mini for size and value....
It may be hard to believe this, so sit down when I tell you: you’re getting old. Don’t worry, so am I (unfortunately), but we’re all getting old and time is moving way too quickly. That’s right, we’re closing in on the end of 2023 which means it’s time for...
If you were around for the era of the RK3326, you’ll remember that there were a lot of handhelds with a lot of interesting looks. And between the good and the bad we had the ugly. That’s right I’m talking about the RGB20… wait. Not in this...