PlayStation, or Xbox? Usually when you talk about the difference between the two you’re looking at all the different games available on both. But let’s be honest, they don’t really have games this time around. So when you’re picking a platform you’re picking your...
Guess it didn’t take Powkiddy too long to get into the handheld release cycle this year. The X35H has just been launched on the Powkiddy website for just $59.99. And it looks a lot like a mix between the RK2023 and the X55. We’ve been seeing this one poke...
If $40 is all you have to spend, you can get some really solid controllers. In fact, I covered that exact topic across 9 different controllers from 9 different brands. But most of those companies don’t just make one option under $40. One of those companies was...
When it comes to keyboards, there’s a lot of personal preference. What size do you want? What about the switches? Do you need wireless or just something to plug in and go? As someone who has fallen down the keyboard rabbit hole a few times, I know that the endless...
When you’re spending a lot of money on a handheld, I really recommend trying to get something that fits your needs and does most, if not everything, you’re looking for in that category. You wouldn’t want to buy more than one $500 handheld, right? Uh, right? So when...