Can you taste the rainbow? Well it seems that Analogue sure can. Hot off the heels of the Glow in the Dark special edition, Analogue has announced not one, but 7 variations of a new special edition Pocket. Everyone’s classic favorite: Transparent Plastics. Purple, Orange, Green (the correct choice), Blue, Red, Smoke, and White; Analogue has a color for everyone.

The Pocket, Analogue’s premier handheld, normally retails at $219.99. However, all of these transparent beauties will be listed at $249.99 (before the cost of shipping). Just like the Glow in the Dark edition, the transparent units will be in limited quantities. However many that is, we aren’t sure yet, but keep that in mind if you’re looking for a specific color. The Glow in the Dark units sold quickly last time and we’re sure it’s gonna be the same this time around.

Set your alarm clocks early because these go live September 29th at 8am PDT.

For a handheld that can handle Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, and a number of other handhelds with proper adapters, transparent plastic was just the right move for a new special edition. What do you think? Are you gonna pick one up? Or are you gonna let this one pass for something else? Regardless you can check out the Analogue Pocket Transparent editions here and make your decision from there.