Throughout my time writing here at RH, I’ve often repeated that while I love seeing what the newest devices are capable of, I also have a soft spot in my heart for those devices that do more with less. The devices are perhaps flawed, but they make up for it in the right ways with pricing and capability.

The scrappy competitors are punching above their weight and showing how much can be done on the cheap. Recent releases like the R36S or the BatleXP G350 make this hobby accessible for everyone, with a great gameplay experience to boot.  I am willing to accept some lack of polish in return for a budget-friendly function, but we all have our limits.

Sometimes, all the optimism in the world can’t save a device. Such, sadly, is the case of the Game Console RX6H. A new horizontal form factor from the mystery manufacturer is constantly trying to corner the low end of the market. If the G350 is an example of how to do a budget handheld right, then unfortunately, I’ve found the RX6H to be a device that was pushed out the door without care, and it shows.

RX6H Specs


The rear of the RX6H and branding

No surprises in the hardware department. This is a horizontal 4:3 version of the R36S. Another RK3266 device that will get you good performance through PSX, with some N64, PSP, and DC playable as well.

OEMGame Console
Screen Size3.5-inches
Resolution640 x 480; 4:3
ProcessorRockChip RK3266
Battery3,000mAh (~4 hours)
microSD Cards✅ (Up to 256GB)
ColorsTransparent Black, Transparent Purple

Game Console are something of a mystery. There might be one or several companies pushing out devices under this banner. I’m sure others out there know more than I do, but I’ve always found the ultra-generic branding to be fairly amusing. When someone asks who makes your device, and you respond “Game Console” they might think you’re setting them up for an Abbott and Costello routine.

RX6H: The Experience


I feel your pain, Ken. This D-pad is horrendous.

As someone who has championed the R36S since I first got my hands on one (now waiting on the arrival of my 4th due to personal weaknesses), I was hopeful for the RX6H and that some of the R36S magic could be recaptured in a new form factor. But from the moment I powered it on and saw the budget attempt at RGB lighting accents, I knew I might be in for a bit of a ride.

Let’s get it out of the way right up front. The D-pad on this console borders on unusable. This is a rocker-style pad, which I will admit is not my personal preference, but I can’t excuse what’s on offer here with RX6H. For a system that’s focusing so much on games that were played natively with a D-pad, it’s really unacceptable that this thing is as bad as it is.


We took a wrong turn somewhere

Trying to get any diagonal input to register is an act of sheer will. Just firing in the direction intended in Contra was a struggle. And you can forget about fireballs in Street Fighter II. That’s not on the table here. I had difficulty just getting my character to jump forward or backward.

The device ships running EmuElec and ArkOS is supposedly available already as well. I’m not sure, given the physical shortcomings of the device, that another OS would solve things. I did have several instances of EmuElec crashing outright when trying to launch a game from the stock card. This may be file issues, SD card corruption, or just lazy implementation. Anyway you slice it, it’s a bummer.

Perhaps the unit I received is a bit of a lemon, but there’s no excusing releasing a device functioning this poorly with the options we have available in 2025. Did I also mention that the D-pad rocker is LOUD? I’m talking R36S 1st gen shoulder buttons loud. Every single directional input makes noise. Playing this in bed is not going to be an option if you have a partner who wants to get any sleep.


Face buttons and sticks are fine

The other buttons and sticks on the device are entirely serviceable. The Switch-style sticks that we all know in the hobby and some generic rounded face buttons serve their purposes just fine. False analog triggers on the top of the handheld reveal themselves to be normal buttons, but the design is satisfying for ergonomic reasons. The shaped L2+R2 gives a nice place to rest your index fingers while holding the device.

The battery in the back of the device that I received is loose. It’s connected and functions as it should, but it’s not held down in the device in any way. If I tip the handheld forward, the battery clanks forward. If I tip it back…etc. I’m not sure if the battery was meant to be taped down and this was some sort of oversight. Maybe the battery used is the wrong size for the housing of the shell. I’m not sure, but I am confident that I won’t be leaving this thing plugged in overnight any time soon.

Final Impressions


You could get by if you’re only using the sticks

Let me take these hits. Take my word when I say this one isn’t worth your money. Even with prices going as low as $25 on sale, I’m not sure if I could recommend the RX6H over more competent options that are already out there. If you’re content with a slightly janky experience and using only the analog sticks for control, then maybe you can find some value in the package on offer here, but I won’t be reaching for this one any time soon.

In a landscape this crowded, and with no shortage of releases still coming on the horizon, it’s time that these devices start stepping it up to meet their competition. You can’t always expect magic with these types of releases. It’s often a roll of the dice, and sometimes, those dice come up e-waste. I rarely break that one out, but my frustrations with the RX6H leave me no choice. This is one for the pile.

Diamonds in the rough are few and far between, and though I may be disappointed with what a letdown the RX6H turned out to be, the perfect budget solution may still be out there, and I’m going to keep on mining.

RX6H at AliExpress

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