Retro Remake, the hardware company led by Taki Udon, has unveiled the SS One, an FPGA console inspired by the PS One. The PS One was Sony’s first rerelease of their home console, the PS1. It abandoned the blocky edges and relatively large build for a smaller footprint...
During a CES 2025 roundtable with The Verge specifically titled “The Future of Gaming Handhelds”, Microsoft’s Jason Ronald shared some pivotal bits of information about their long rumored handheld. The Xbox brand has primarily focused the majority of its...
During CES 2025, My Arcade has announced a new collection of arcade inspired devices, named the Gamestation Retro. The collection of devices will feature over 100 officially licensed classic titles from Banda Namco and Capcom. The collection comes just days to the...
For the past few years, one of the pitfalls of buying the newest, latest, and greatest handheld is either that it will be obsolete in a few months, or its parts aren’t perfectly suited to specific needs. Modularity in electronics — namely handhelds, in...
Mini PCs live at the heart of DIY retro consoles. Buying something fast, relatively strong, and pairing it all with a little bit of elbow grease can often times create the ideal retro setup that many have been dreaming of. GEEKOM QS1: What You Need to Know At CES...