
When the Miyoo Mini+ and the Anbernic 35XX entered the handheld scene they set off a firestorm of popularity that hardware manufacturers are still racing to cash in on any way they can. Enter Game Console’s newest clone entry, the R33S. This entry in the market promises the screen and size of the devices you already love, with a beefier RK3326 processor, at a lower price. It isn’t hard to see why people have been talking about the clone.

The R33S device is a bit controversial due to its undeniable resemblance to the Miyoo Mini+. So much so that manufacturers have led a fight against Game Console in what they say is infringement on their hardware designs. This is part of a larger discussion the emulation community has to have with itself, but at the end of the day, all of these companies are making hardware loaded with ROMs they neither designed nor have the rights to distribute. Let your own conscience be your guide. Given the complaints, the device is not currently available on sellers like AliExpress. A few have popped up in various places around the internet, including Amazon, but not at the rumored $40 or less price point.

The R33S that I received is running an October build of ArkOS 2.0 and the Emulation Station Frontend. The device boot and load times are not the best, and this is likely due to the quality of SD cards built in. My package included a standard ROM dump that you’ll want to curate and trim (or flat-out replace) yourself. Sitting the device side by side with a Miyoo Mini+, I feel like it’s almost there. The build quality is entirely decent, but the Miyoo just feels a little more polished and put together.


Concerns with the controls on the device may be up to the individual user, and our review coming down the line will be able to dive into comparisons with greater specifics. I am not particularly picky, but after a few 30-minute play sessions with larger hands, I felt like it was as comfortable an experience as I would really hope for. The d-pad seating and buttons on the unit are preferable to those included on the R36S in my eyes. I found the shoulder buttons to require a decent amount of pressure to engage and produce a noticeably sharp CLICK! sound. I’m not sure that you would want to use them, say, in bed next to a sleeping partner. I sure won’t be trying it again………

So far, the device does the job it sets out to do quite well. It plays all the systems you’d expect it to, and given the chance to be tweaked, might well be able to competently run more than that. If they can actually get it to market at $40 or less, it could be hard for the competition not to react.

Watch out for our full review coming soon!

Are you interested in the R33s? Let us know in the comments below, and chat with us in our Discord!

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