The Steam Deck is still my favorite handheld after all this time. The one downfall though is that you are limited to the Steam store, so your GOG and Epic games are waiting on the sidelines. Of course, there are ways to get them on the deck (Lutris, Heroic, Junk Store, etc.). Luckily this is about to get even easier!

Junk Store Releasing Official Plugin

Epic Games on Steam Deck with Junk-Store Library

The creators of Junk Store are officially working to release a plugin to run officially on the Steam Deck! This will be available through the Steam Store and will not be dependent on Decky. An announcement from Reddit provides more information here.

Some highlights from the post are that there isn’t a release date yet. The creator of this project is very passionate about his work and will take the “when it’s ready” approach, which is refreshing to see. Also with all the extra work that is going into it, it will not be free. There is no said price for this yet.

It is really cool to see that Valve has been positive and said the progress is good to go so far. It would be very easy for them to not want you to easily play these other games on their hardware, but so far it has been good to go!

If you already use the Decky Plugin for Junk Store, you should be able to transition smoothly to the new one. They are currently testing this now and hoping this will continue to be the case. It has been great to read through the comments and see all of the support so far on their Reddit post.

GOG is such a great service that lets you actually own your games, so it is exciting to have an easy way to now play them on our Steam Deck. Also, who has not been building up a huge Epic library with all the free games? This is an exciting project that I can’t wait to watch unfold. Their Decky Plugin version is also going nowhere, so if you are interested in that, see our guide here!

Junk Store on Steam

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