The Best Emulators on Android

The Best Emulators on Android

Getting a new handheld is always exciting. Opening the box, sliding out the newest shiniest toy in your collection – that feeling is the reason so many of us have absolutely massive handheld collections. But once you’re done gawking at your brand new...
Delver: A Roguelike Like They Used To Make

Delver: A Roguelike Like They Used To Make

We love talking about older games around these parts, whether they’re what we’re playing this week, or old memories waiting to be relived. Today, though, I’d like to cover something a bit more recent – a little game called Delver. Delver is a...
NEW Powkiddy RGB10 Max 4 Specs Revealed! (UPDATE!)

NEW Powkiddy RGB10 Max 4 Specs Revealed! (UPDATE!)

After what feels like an eternity, we have finally gotten a peek at the successor to the infamous RGB10 Max 3 Pro (triple heart). Trusted Powkiddy contact J. Dewitz (@retrohandheldcollection on Instagram) has provided us with piping-hot info about the upcoming RGB10...
AYN Goes to Brazil: The Curious Case of Zeenix

AYN Goes to Brazil: The Curious Case of Zeenix

When AYN entered the x86 scene in 2022, it was a resounding mess. Six different overlapping models, a long and convoluted development cycle that left backers waiting a year or more for their devices, and a slew of cancellations that shuffled people’s orders from...