The Retroid Pocket Classic and Pocket Flip 2 pre-orders start this Monday, but we still don’t know what chipset will be inside the Classic.

Initially, when Retroid showed off the specs of the Retroid Pocket Classic, they gave very basic info about the processor inside. They gave us the brand, Qualcomm, and the process node, 4nm. Nothing more, nothing less.

When we reported the specs here, it was believed that Retroid was simply teasing the chipset in order to build hype, and create wonder and mystery. But that is seemingly not the case at all.

Retroid Gives More Hints

Over on the Retroid Discord, Retroid David shared the news that the chipset is under embargo until Monday, March 17. An embargo on the chipset would suggest that the unnamed processor has either yet to be announced, or isn’t publicly available yet.

An embargo on the Retroid Pocket Classic SoC

Interestingly, on Monday, Qualcomm will have a booth at this year’s Game Developers Conference. Under normal circumstances, a company attending a conference alongside dozens of other tech-based companies would be nothing to look twice at.

But then AYANEO dropped news of its Pocket S2.

In its announcement for the S2, AYANEO makes the claim that the device will be shown off at Qualcomm’s booth where they plan to showcase their new gaming-centric platform.

AYANEO article blurb showing the Qualcomm platform news.

Furthermore, one of the Discord mods claims to have inquired about more direct info from their Retroid contact. They shared that the embargo is indeed the reason the chip hasn’t been shared, but also that the unannounced processor is equivalent to the Snapdragon 4 Gen 2, but overclocked.

Atheonyirh on Retroid’s Discord explaining what they know.

There are current chips that hit that mark of being a slightly overclocked Gen 2, like the Gen 2 AE and 4s Gen 2. The 4s Gen 2 actually hits every nail on the head as far as the listed specs of the Retroid Pocket Classic go, but it doesn’t explain the embargo. It’s all a mystery.

Factoring everything we know so far, it feels like the puzzle is finally coming together.

Thumbtacks and Red String

The running theory right now is that the chipset in the device is unannounced, but purposefully underpowered in relation to other chipsets on the market. If Qualcomm were to announce the chipset on March 17th, then that would explain the embargo placed on Retroid.

There are some things that strike as odd, however. The specs revealed for the upcoming Retroid Pocket Classic show a chip that is only capable of Wi-Fi 5, a technology that was originally released in 2013.

Retroid Pocket Classic specs…mostly

Some also believe there’s a possibility that the internal chip is simply one generation newer than the previously assumed Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 – the Snapdragon 4 Gen 3. There were reports of this chip being tested on a device with 6GB of RAM, but when the chip was revealed, it started at 8GB of RAM — 2GB more than the most powerful RP Classic and double that of the less expensive option.

The truth remains the same: we don’t know what chip will be in this handheld. It’s drastically underpowered for a modern chip, but the embargo throws us all for a loop. It’s entirely possible Qualcomm could be using older generation technology to keep costs low, but still deliver the needed power for the devices the chipset will be featured within.

Only time will tell, but we will absolutely know more by Monday.

In the meantime, you can hit the link below and bookmark the landing page so you’ll be ready once pre-orders go live.

Retroid Pocket Classic Pre-orders

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