When I first got my RG35XXSP I thought it was pretty decent. The excitement of a new clamshell was great, but dealing with the stock firmware and clicky buttons was starting to drag me down. Introduce muOS. muOS is a fantastic CFW that really unlocked a new love for my device. Now, they are back with an all-new update!

What’s New?

muOS will now be available with full PipeWire support. There is also now individual and recursive system/core and governor selection. Now there is support for languages through Weblate, network profile, and RG40XX. There is even support for storing user-configurable data on SD2. Finally, cardinal snapping has been fixed for the RG35XX H and RG40XX using the fix Gamma came out with.

Along with all the other great features of muOS, it is awesome seeing all the new ones coming as well. The RG40XXV is a great handheld that really scratches that vertical itch and now the stick will be fixed and it will have support with MuOS. I am also very excited about the network profiles.

More to Come?

What else could you want with a CFW? These devs have not been sleeping and putting so much great work into this project. However, there are some things that may still be on the horizon to come soon.

The message on the muOS discord stated that there is no support for Bluetooth yet. There is also no way to search content, but it is said that they will prioritize those soon! They also said once things settle down a bit, they are looking to bring muOS to even more devices!

Where to Get

You can download MuOS Banana here on their website. On the website is a list of even more changes that they have made to the CFW. Another important link is this one to join their Discord. When you get there, check out their support-the-devs section. They have been working so hard on this and it would be great to send them support so we can keep getting awesome free CFW for our devices!

Be sure to check out our Android guide here or check out Zu’s video above. What did you think of this article? Let us know in the comments below, and chat with us in our Discord!

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